Friday, 20 May 2016

Shot variation

Shot variation

A master shot is a shot recording of an entire dramatized scene, from start to finish. It is usually a long shot, filmed from an angle that keep all the players in view.
Usually, the master shot is the first shot checked off during the shooting of a scene and is the foundation of the camera coverage. Everything from start to finish, before anyone enters the scene to everything that happens in between, no stopping.
Coverage - Once the master shot is in the bag, other shits are considered and this would be a closer coverage shot. He /she directs other sits that reveal different aspects of the action.
Followed swiftly by close ups, focusing on the main subject then into some insert shots of key objects.

A wide shot sets the tone and is generally used at the beginning of the sequence to:
 Set the tone of the scene
Introduce us to the location
Enable the audience to understand the concept of the scene.
Long shots are used to present a new location

Shot variation
Medium shots are commonly used to show the dynamics of two or three person interaction;
Closer coverage is used for:
·         Intensity
·         Intimacy
·         Detail
Shot variation is used in a lot of action films when a fast paced scene is being shot. In addition to a high number of cuts in a short space of film time the variation of shots and dynamism also help fasten the pace of the scene.
Shot variation check
Have you:
·         Explained what shot variation is?
·         Located an example and uploaded it to your blog?
·         Listed the variety of shots in the clip you have found?
Analysed what each particular shot type brings to the scene?

Here is a clip from the famous Skyfall - Glass marksman shot that i have found via YouTube which is an excellent example of shot variation. From the beginning of the clip we see various shot sizes from a long shot, close-up and medium shots. 

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