Thursday 17 November 2016

providing and withholding information

Providing and withholding information

This technique is used as a way to make the audience curious and intrigued. Providing and withholding information is when you try make the narrative more dramatic by giving the audience more information or taking away information. 

A great example of the two is in 2 drams , one is murder she wrote in which at the start of ever show you see someone being killed or someone planning to kill someone and the dramatic question is will Jessica find out who did in.

It also gives a dramatic irony because the audience knows who did it. the other show which does the opposite is diagnosis murder , in this show it doesn't show you who killed the person rather it just shows you the person dead and you have to find out along with the characters who did. they are both crime programs but the fact one provided you information creates a different emotion from the audience as it creates frustration because you know what happened. in contrast the other show withholding it keeps the audience on the edge of there seat. 

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